Android Manifest

01. Introduction

An android application APK is provided in the lab. Use apktool to extract the package, Analyze the AndroidManifest.xml and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the application?

  2. What is the version of the SDK on which this app was compiled?

  3. How many permission elements are present in the file?

  4. Is it possible to take a backup of this application via ADB?

  5. The application has a service. Can this service be invoked by the components of other applications?

02. Answers

To extract the APK file I'll use the following command:

apktool d sample-video-player.apk

You can now view the AndroidManifest.xml with an editor of your choice:

  1. package name is vlc

  2. SdkVersion is 23

  3. 18 permission elements

  4. android:AllowBackup is not defined

  5. no, because android:exported is set to false

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